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What did I do this year? Waiting for an exciting 2018

Last blog of an extraordinary year

Keeping the loop with my new year’s resolutions! This is going to be my last blog of 2017, to celebrate a super exciting year full of learning and new projects.
After 2015 and 2016, I’ve decided I’ll share my thoughts on this soon-to-be-finished 2017.
Spoiler: I feel very proud of what I achieved this year, I need to tell everyone!
But I’ll also share what I’ve learnt and what I’ll take with me for the next one. Ready? Go!

What did I do this year?

sharing economy startups panels alessia cameraIn the past few years, I’ve always thought I could have done more.
I was very focused on improving myself all the time, that’s why writing it down every year has been helpful. Every year I’ve realised it was getting better and better and today I can’t really complain.
2017 has been an incredible year, and I really stepped on the accelerator.
After my book about Growth Hacking strategies for startups Startup Marketing, which got published last May, I was feeling I was driving every day at full speed on the highway and somehow I couldn’t stop. So, for the very first time, I’m happy with what I’ve achieved.
I’ve also put my energy into a project called Whats Next Talk which I really believe in, a conference taking place in Vicenza, a small village on the North East side of Italy. It’s the village where I’m from, where a bunch of talented people is working to empower women working in tech.

Always have your say

speaking up have your voice alessia camera Speak up. If in 2016 I’ve learnt to speak up, in the following year I took it as a daily habit.
I started thinking I must have my say if I don’t agree with ideas or posts I see online.
I learnt to share my ideas, even though they’re not common thoughts, especially when it’s related to women in tech, startups and growth marketing.
Thanks to Startup Marketing, I joined 15+ interviews and I wrote guest posts/articles. I wanted to share best practices, strategies and thoughts about startups, technology and digital marketing. I’ve also been brave to draw the attention towards only male panels and other unequal practices I’ve seen during the last year in Italy and London.

Don’t be afraid to dream big

have your say always speak up new year's resolutions 2018 alessia cameraThis year I’ve learnt I can get whatever I want. Don’t be afraid to dream big. Startup Marketing has been my strength, the fuel to build even more confidence. This book, becoming one of the best sellers Growth Hacking books in Italy, has allowed me to meet a lot of people in Italy and international thanks to workshops, lectures and presentations.
I’ve always asked myself many questions. I was scared of not being enough in order to dream big. This year I’ve learnt we are the only ones limiting ourselves. 
I’ve met many wonderful people helping me to understand we don’t have to be scared to ask. Don’t be scared of dreaming big or to be ambitious, we don’t lose anything by sending an email with a bunch of questions. In the worst case scenario, we’ll get a NO. We just need to have a plan B.

Learn to say NO

You can’t say always YES. It’s not been easy but I’ve learnt it.
It’s been important saying NO to save time, money and work only with projects I truly believed in. I’ve worked with 8 international projects this year as a Growth Marketing & Digital Consultant, on top of mentorships, events, presentations, panels.
Some for a few days, such as Socialbrokers, an insurtech startup I helped building an overall growth strategy, others for longer as Bantoa a fashion-discovery platform. There are also a few covered by an NDA so I can’t share much at this stage.
I’ve taught at a Growth Hacking Master in Milan. I’ve self-organised presentations at the most important coworking places in Italy and I got shortlisted for a few other Growth Hacking courses in Italy and abroad.
Time is money, they say. I learned that by saying NO I give each other respect and value. Choosing the projects and the right people to work with, seems like a brave decision at the beginning. Then you see that, for all the NO you say, you’ll get surrounded by more people who are sharing your approach who you love working with, to solve challenges and to build a better world.

Have more empathy: my new year’s resolutions!

startup marketing alessia camera new year's resolutionsI wrote a book in Italian while working in London and even if I could have left everything to my publisher I decided to step in. I wanted to meet my readers in person and everyone passionate about startups and digital: this time a Facebook campaign wasn’t enough.
I decided to spend my time to meet people personally, sharing points of views, laughs and to reply to all their questions.
Empathy is something machines won’t learn easily and it’s the most important skill we should learn in the next few years. I took it the hard way but I learned something that it’s in my heart, you can’t really explain how to do it.

And I’ve come across people who encouraged me and celebrated my achievements. Something that you can’t easily forget, which have made my last year a super exciting experience.

Thank you all. May 2018 fill you with compassion!

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