London two years later, living the tech life I’ve always wanted.
How much did I learn?
Yeah, it’s been two and a half years I’ve been living in London. Incredible. Time flies so much here.
So, why not celebrating with a brand new blog? Yep, another one, this one. Why not? Some people like buying shoes, I prefer buying domains.
Well, first promise: I won’t write anything related to food, the best things to do in town, to see or eat in London.
There are already a lot of amazing travel bloggers talking about it.
And I don’t plan to become an influencer.
Second promise: I won’t write anything related to art ’cause I have already a place where I talk about it which is This is Not Art .
My experience in London is mainly related to online marketing, innovation, startups, geek people, disruptive projects, networking events.
In London I’m living a tech life I’ve always wanted. It’s funny as I wouldn’t know I were a tech girl before moving here.
Now I wouldn’t exchange my tech life for anything else.
That’s why I moved: learning. And that’s why I’m still in love with this city: opportunities. I can’t get bored.
I’m living the tech life in London I’ve always looked for, without even knowing I was looking for it.
So, as my memory is limited sometimes and I’m doing so much, I want to keep track of it (I’m eating a lot of fish but it’s not enough! :D)
I’ll use this blog to keep memories of everything I’m doing, startups I’m involved, people I’m meeting, tools & app I’m using and books I’m, follow me, if you can! 😀
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