
Why a mobile responsive website is not enough

Last time I’ve been to Italy, I took the chance to meet some colleagues and share our experience of working in web marketing and startups.
It was great seeing that things are really improving in my home country, even if approaches, the money involved and business relationships are really different.

So, today I really like to talk about the different approach of providing a native app and a mobile optimised website. Because it’s a completely different approach.
Being mobile is really important: Mobile devices accessed both via mobile sites and mobile apps, have become a key source of information, utility and point of contact between users and brands across industries.
Today, a staggering 86% of all time spent on mobile devices happens in apps.


So, when I was in Italy, I had a few conversations with people, saying that “their mobile optimized website was not really different from developing a native app”.

Do you know why you should develop a native app?

  • Users behaviour. Users like apps, it’s more engaging and immediate.An app allows for 1-to-1 contact with a user. Options that include signin, tailored content and personalisation feel more directly tailored to an individual user, whereas mobile web often feels tailored to an entire audience. You can try to tell people that a mobile responsive website will deliver the same experience, but you know that’s not true. Even the shittiest app will give your customers a deeper experience browsing your product/service compared to a website.
  • Push notifications. You can drive your users to buy, engage and surf products you want thanks to push notifications. Well, be careful and not abuse it but for some products, it does really make a difference.
  • Deliver a unique brand experience. The majority of websites have more or less the same structure, meaning the UX, technology and design are not really different. How do you deliver a unique experience? Through apps, brands can connect with users where they spend the majority of their time, making it crucial to provide an engaging and high-performing mobile app experience.

Are you still undecided on whether you should go with a native app? Have a look at this infographic and let me know your feedback writing a comment below!





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