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Social Media Marketing Speaker in London

How I did being a Social Media Marketing Speaker in London

In the last few weeks, I’ve been a speaker for a few social media talks about Social Media Marketing, strategy, tools, personal reputation.
I’ve been invited by Outreach Digital  and a few other organisations and it’s been incredibly interesting meeting and talking with people, being on the other side for the first time. 😀

alessiacamera-socialmedia-speaker-online-marketing-LondonAs I think that Marketing is not something with established and generic rules valid for everyone I really like workshops, also because every month there are new tools, new ideas and you need to jump on them to give it a try, you really can’t be behind if you want to stay alive.
[Ok, maybe “staying alive” is a bit too much, but you did get what I meant, didn’t you?]
And I’m not only talking about businesses, but also professionals and consultants.
Personal reputation is important and you need to be online, using social media and connect with people important for your industry and your job.
Do you know that we’re spending more time scrolling Facebook than in the toilet?

Here my social media deck!


Nelle ultime settimane sono stata invitata come speaker per alcuni eventi e workshop di social media marketing dove ho parlato di strategia, tool e personal reputation. E’ stato molto eccitante essere all’altra parte per una volta ed incontrare e confrontarsi con la community di Outreach Digital e di altre organizzazioni.

alessiacamera-socialmedia-strategy-online-marketing-consultant-LondonCredo infatti, che quando si parla di Marketing infatti non ci siano regole prestabilite e valide per tutti e quindi adoro gli workshop e la possibilità di confrontarsi. Inoltre, ogni mese ci sono nuovi strumenti e tool, nuove idee e campagne che bisogna conoscere e provare per rimanere aggiornati!
Ed ovviamente non parlo solo di aziende ma anche di professionisti e consulenti.
La personal reputation è importante come è necessario essere online, usare i socia media ed entrare in contatto con persone rilevanti per il tuo lavoro e il tuo settore.

Anche perchè  lo sapete che le persone spendono mediamente più tempo a “scrollare” Facebook che in bagno?

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