I wished this was my quote, but unfortunately, I’m not that famous 🙂 It’s a quote by the former head of Google Brain’s deep learning project, Andrew Ng. Which I think it’s fascinating.…
Sexual harassment. It won’t be a “joke” anymore. No opinions, just facts. Sex for funds has always happened in the past but none believed it was still happening. VCs and accelerators…
Today is International Women’s Day and while I’m heading to a conference in Italy to share my experience being a woman in tech, I want to share my thoughts with you.…
2017 technology trends: get ready for Virtual Reality I’m finally back in London with loads of stuff to do and many people to meet again. After having spent some time abroad,…
What’s the Web Marketing Festival 2016? After 3.5 years away from Italy, it’s always nice to be back, attending events and meeting people not only working in online marketing. Even if in the…
Why talking about online payments? Boring. I think it’s what you have thought after reading the title. But, keep reading, I think you’re wrong. In this article, I’ll talk about an e-commerce startup, a Geek…