
  • oplà mobile app

    Oplà-Food Analysis Mobile App

    Oplà is an iOS and Android mobile app developed by an Italian agency to help users choosing the best food for them thanks to label analysis and personalised recommendations. My Growth…

    Alessia Camera
  • Oplà-Food Analysis Mobile App - image Logo-Kidadl-Vector-1 on

    Kidadl-A mobile app for family events

    Kidadl is a mobile app (iOS & Android) aggregating events for parents and kids in London. Geolocalising and targeting specific events depending on the family’s interests and the kid’s ages, parents are…

    Alessia Camera
  • Bantoa fashion startup logo

    Bantoa Online Fashion Startup

    Bantoa is an online fashion discovery startup. By aggregating online fashion products and fashion accessories into outfits, the platform’s goal is to make easier for users finding the best products and the…

    Alessia Camera
  • ticckle-logo-video-platform-London

    Ticckle- Video curation mobile app

    Ticckle is a video debate startup based in London. Through the app, users can ask questions and share ideas & opinions with the online community. My services included: Digital Marketing Strategy…

    Alessia Camera
  • moorbi-london-design-startup

    Moorbi – E-commerce Startup

    Moorbi is a sustainable design e-commerce startup based in London. It’s a marketplace bringing together independent designers from all over the UK. My services included: Digital Marketing Strategy and execution (video, content,…

    Alessia Camera